In the story Holes the main conflict is Stanley getting sent to the Juvenile Camp. Stanley doesn't want to go to the camp. Stanley is getting sent to the camp because of his behavior he has towards his parents. Stanley and his family have a bad luck generation. Anything Stanley does it doesn't come out like he expects it too.
The plot of the story is in Texas and it is happening during the summer. Stanley Yelnats is going to Camp Green Lake during his summer. In the camp Stanley went there is rattlesnakes and scorpions. The climate is dry and it seems to be like a dessert. Stanley was given an option to go to Camp Green Lake or to Jail. Stanley thought he had been sent to Camp Green Lake because of the bad luck his great grandfather had passed. In camp green lake they made the bad kids dig holes to become “good” kids.When Stanley entered the Juvenile Correction he saw a big sign that read “YOU ARE ENTERING CAMP GREEN LAKE JUVENILE CORRECTIONAL FACILITY.” Holes
In the story “Holes” the main characters are Stanley Yelnats the dad and Stanley Yelnats the son.The dad is the son of the no-good-dirty-rotten-great-grandfather. Stanley Yelnats IV is the grandson. They are important because they believe the family has a curse that the great grandfather left. Stanley IV was sent to prison.The Yelnats family believes that the great grandfather left the curse and that brings the family bad luck. “Stanley’s father’s full name was Stanley Yelnats III.” “Our Stanley is Stanley Yelnats IV.” |